Daily Prompt 3/4

Fabric.Daily Post

I was gonna get all philosophical and deep and talk about the “fabric of life being woven into your own personal, imperfectly perfect tapestry”… but I just wanna be real for a second here.

I have some serious texture issues with certain types of fabric. Allow me to elaborate~

The first example that comes to mind is my issue, almost phobia 🙄😂, of cotton. #kindacomical Particularly rubbing cotton together and especially cotton on my teeth (see ‘episode one’ of my blog) or on my fingernails! The feeling, the noise, everything about those actions give me the heebie-jeebies…like nails on a chalkboard to some.

Another gross out, eww fabric is freakn microfiber- like the cloths people clean with, that fabric is just wrong.

There’s a blanket material/fabric that also freaks me out. Idk what it’s actually called but I know I don’t like it.

Sorry for those hoping to get profoundly impacted with today’s daily prompt, but this is what I needed to get off my chest and the word ‘fabric’ brought it to life for me!

Daily Prompt


Life is messy.

Messy physically, messy mentally sometimes, messy emotionally, and definitely messy relationally. We’ve all been in a messy situation one time or another, right? It’s how we get passed it that matters. The mess makes us who we are; perfection is impossible. Our messy messes we get ourselves into, make us stronger and wiser. Our situations get less messy as we grow and learn from the previous ones.

In other words, life is short and it’s okay- GET. MESSY.


Restart at life.

Restarting my attitude towards my goals and my dreams. I aspire to be a writer; not just an ordinary writer but one who can make readers feel and truly experience what they’re reading. I want what I write to resonate, encourage, inspire…I want to leave a mark on my readers, making them feel better about themselves and their circumstances.

Currently I’m a teacher and I encourage my students to restart each day. They set goals every morning and work on achieving them. If they don’t meet their goal, we reflect on what to do in order to restart the next day. I practice what I preach and I also set a goal with my students. I set practical goals in relation to school and what goes on in the day to day. However, I have bigger goals, lofty dreams and those are where I’m ready to RESTART and find the ambition and motivation to push through. #iamaconqueror #dailyprompt