Episode Dos- The “High Winds” Day

I’m an educator and for the first time I’ve ever heard, schools were closed all around for the threat of high winds. 🌬 I’ll take it. After my week to hell and back, I really needed a day off.

I spent the day recovering and thinking “wow God really loves me to give me this day off”. I drank lots of coffee and binge watched many tv shows. How would you spend your day off? Sure I could’ve done some work but it just wasn’t in my heart.

So let’s talk about the obvious here….who EVER gets a day off from work for high winds? That was awesome. I’m glad they were looking out for the safety of the kids who ride buses and all; you know the ‘high profile vehicles’. But I do wonder who gets to make that kind of decision?

This post is pointless. Boring. Uneventful. And I apologize for taking away about 30 seconds of your life.

Until next episode- Stay safe and hold your hairpiece.

Author: tvshowworthy

My life should legit be a tv show.

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