Episode One-The Dentist

So I went from having never gone to the dentist in VA yet ( I went back and forth to my hometown twice a year) to going 4 times within like 2 weeks.

First visit- broken crown. They removed the broken crown, cleaned out underneath that sucker, and attempted to put on a temporary. ‘Attempted’ meaning right after the temporary crown was made (mind you I had been there like 2 hours already), it broke. Yes, broke. They made me bite down on it and it broke. 🙄 So I had to wait ahhhgain for them to get a fabricated crown to put on my tooth. And…she dropped it. WTF? It was cleaned off and put in my mouth anyways. I didn’t even care bc I was just ready to leave. REWIND—forgot to mention that I’m a freak about my teeth AND the whole office now knows that I can NOT tolerate cotton, in any form, on my teeth. Okay PLAY— I finally got out of there and felt like I cut off one of my limbs to pay for it! UGH

2nd visit- permanent crown. This visit was pretty uneventful. I did remind them of the cotton issue. Ha. Crown is great! #finallygotthecrownideserve

Third visit- this was supposed to be a routine cleaning visit. Not so much. X-rays showed one of my teeth and its roots are dead and infection is building underneath it🤢. Root canal it is! I’m making it rain at this dentist’s office. Damn.

4th visit- beginning/step 1 of the root canal. Too much. My already big face felt huge from the numbing. My tongue and lower lip, just the right side, were missing in my mind. My mouth was propped open and stretched beyond its natural width. And, they asked me questions while my mouth was stretched open and I was choking on my saliva. Why? Now the numbing has worn off (this visit was today) and it hurts in my ear. Is that weird? Is that normal? Am I just a freak in general?

Fifth visit- in my calendar. This visit will be to finish the root canal;take out the temporary filling, clean it out again, and put a permanent filling in. Oh and I have to finish paying for it then.

These visits have taken my whole paycheck. It’s ridic! If it can happen to one’s teeth, it’s probably happened or will happen to mine. And as mentioned before, I’m a freak about my teeth. Not only do I have the cotton issue but I examine my teeth thoroughly everyday and brush them several times a day. I have a toothbrush everywhere I go..at work, at home, in my car, in my purse, at my family’s house. I don’t get it. I feel like I’ve had more dental work than someone who doesn’t give a rip about their teeth!

Until next episode-BRUSH, FLOSS, SMILE. (and save your money just in case…💸)

Author: tvshowworthy

My life should legit be a tv show.

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